GSoC 2011 Parenscript project page
Project ideas for the Parenscript GSoC 2011 mentoring organization. Please sign your idea with a link to your Person page, and indicate which projects you'd like to mentor.

  • fare-matcher for Parenscript. (mentors: Vladimir Sedach)

  • Put together an official "SLIME for Parenscript" IDE from swank-js, slime-proxy, and Emacs Lisp code adapted from SLIME itself. (mentors: Vladimir Sedach)

  • Port GCL Common Lisp unit test suite to Parenscript by using CL-JavaScript as a backend. (mentors: Vladimir Sedach)

  • RFC 2898 library for hashing passwords in web applications (mentors: Vladimir Sedach)

  • Integrate CL-JavaScript into the Closure web browser.

  • Once Closure has JavaScript support, adapt rxvt-js (a JavaScript/DHTML port of urxvt) to run as a stand-alone native application (using Closure as a library), to serve as a replacement for xterm/rxvt.

  • Add HTML5 support to the Closure web browser.

  • Something like SERIES for Parenscript and a server-side DOM that would provide a better stream processing library for the web (better than jQuery, anyway) and use compiler macros for doing optimizations like map fusion. (mentors: Vladimir Sedach)

  • Something like Clojure's Enlive for doing HTML templating based on CSS selectors. This would enable a much faster workflow for doing websites where the HTML is driven by designers - instead of having to re-do the templates when the designer changes an HTML page, no changes would need to be made if the CSS selectors stay the same (they essentially act as an API between the markup and the code). Closure-html is a good starting point for this. It would be nice if this was also integrated on the client side with Parenscript (perhaps with the above mentioned "SERIES for Parenscript" library).

  • The above library will probably need something like jQuery's Sizzle CSS selector search for DOM. Again, look at Closure.

  • Library specifying a protocol for web application user authentication and session management, exposing orthogonal implementation interfaces for web servers and storage backends (so you can use web server X with database Y without having to write an implementation for every cross-product of web servers and databases), with implementations for currently popular web servers and databases.

  • Portable cross-platform server daemonization library ala RESTAS-daemon (because screen/detachtty don't work well with certain things, such as runit/daemontools supervise)