License: BSD 3-Clause
Usage summary:
(cookie1:cookie-string "mycookie" "42" :max-age (* 6 24 60 60))
(cookie1:parse-cookies "thisis=\"an old netscape cookie\"")
(cookie1:parse-cookies "$Version=1;thisis=\"An RFC 2109-style cookie\";domain=\"\"")
An araneida example is here:
It parses old netscape cookies as well as RFC 2109 cookies.
The function cookie-string in this package does not accept a value of zero, even though RFC2109 says it should. Is this a bug or a feature?
After receiving no reply from Alan, I'm putting up a separate darcs repo that adds two things to the official one:
- Allow zero max-age to allow expiring a cookie.
- Add Netscape's "Expires" attribute which some browsers require for setting a persistent cookie.
- Support parsing cookie values that contain equals signs ('='). Though against the spec, these exist in the wild, used in e.g. Google AdSense/Analytics.
There are no other changes. Ideally these changes would be merged to the main tree.
Sasha Kovar