- Each quantity has a value, an (optional) unit, and an (optional) uncertainty.
- Calculations are done using special functions like q+ or qsqrt.
- Units and uncertainty are affected by calculations:
- Unit combination
- Error propagation
- Units can be converted.
- Convenient read-macro to define quantities: #q(1 kg).
- Value, unit, and uncertainty can be accessed, if needed.
- SI units are predefined.
- Any other units can be defined.
(require :asdf)
(asdf:load-system :physical-quantities)
(use-package :physical-quantities}
(let (m c E)
;; Define the mass
(setf m #q(1.00 +/- 0.01 kg))
;; The speed of light
(setf c #q(299792458 m / s))
;; E = m * c^2
(setf E (q* m (qpow c 2)))
;; Print E, converted to petajoule
(print #q(E -> PJ)))