A macro example, originally described by Erik Naggum.

This public domain implementation is by David Mullen:

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defun whereas->when (variable type body-continuation) (when (null type) (return-from whereas->when `((when ,variable ,@(funcall body-continuation))))) ;; We have an actual type. (if (subtypep 'null type) `((declare (type ,type ,variable)) ,@(funcall body-continuation)) `((when ,variable (locally (declare (type ,type ,variable)) ,@(funcall body-continuation))))))) (defmacro whereas ((&rest bindings) &body body) (destructuring-bind ((var-list expression &optional decl-list) . more) bindings (flet ((punt-to-interior-whereas () (if more `((whereas ,more ,@body)) body))) (if (atom var-list) `(let ((,var-list ,expression)) ,@(whereas->when var-list decl-list #'punt-to-interior-whereas)) `(multiple-value-bind ,var-list ,expression ,@(labels ((one-of-multiple-values () (whereas->when (pop var-list) (pop decl-list) (if (endp var-list) #'punt-to-interior-whereas #'one-of-multiple-values)))) ;; Each variable in VAR-LIST corresponds ;; to the parallel element of DECL-LIST. (check-type decl-list list) (one-of-multiple-values)))))))


(whereas (((name present-p) (gethash ...) ((or null string)))) (string-capitalize name)) ;;; Macro expansion ;;; --------------- (MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND (NAME PRESENT-P) (GETHASH ...) (DECLARE (TYPE (OR NULL STRING) NAME)) (WHEN PRESENT-P (STRING-CAPITALIZE NAME))) ;;; Accessing an alist ;;; ------------------ (whereas ((cell (assoc ...) cons) (value (cdr cell) fixnum)) (integer-length value)) ;;; Macro expansion ;;; --------------- (LET ((CELL (ASSOC ...))) (WHEN CELL (LOCALLY (DECLARE (TYPE CONS CELL)) (LET ((VALUE (CDR CELL))) (WHEN VALUE (LOCALLY (DECLARE (TYPE FIXNUM VALUE)) (INTEGER-LENGTH VALUE))))))) ;;; Looking up a symbol ;;; ------------------- (whereas (((symbol status) (find-symbol ...) (symbol keyword))) (symbol-plist symbol)) ;;; Macro expansion ;;; --------------- (MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND (SYMBOL STATUS) (FIND-SYMBOL ...) (DECLARE (TYPE SYMBOL SYMBOL)) (WHEN STATUS (LOCALLY (DECLARE (TYPE KEYWORD STATUS)) (SYMBOL-PLIST SYMBOL))))


Rewrite the whereas macro using reduce.

Common Lisp Utilities