Indifferent access hash-tables for Common Lisp. Also with dot syntax

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>> (defvar ht (ia-hash-table:make-ia-hash-table)) HT >> (setf (gethash "qwe" ht) 1) 1 >> (gethash :qwe ht) 1 T (enable-ia-syntax) (defparameter response (alist-ia-hash-table '(("name" . "John Smith") ("age" . 34) ("city" . "New York") ("account" . (("checking" . 36223) ("saving" . 468300)))))) >> #Iresponse.name "John Smith" >> #Iresponse.account.saving 468300 >> #Iresponse.address NIL >> #Iresponse.address.state The value NIL is not of type HASH-TABLE. >> #Iresponse.address?.state NIL ;; or even (defparameter nil-response nil) >> #Inil-response?.account.saving NIL

License: MIT

Topics: convenience library language extension