Like libtcod, dormouse is designed with a view towards making it quicker and easier for hobbyists to write roguelike games. It can be used to write any application that uses libtcod and requires higher-level 'GUI' features.
Source code:
Author: Paul Sexton
Minimal "hello world" application:
(in-package :cl-user)
(defpackage :my-new-package
(:use :cl :tcod :dormouse)
(:export #:my-test))
(in-package :my-new-package)
(defun my-test ()
(let ((msgwin nil))
(dormouse:start-gui :title "Testing")
(setf msgwin
(make-instance '<Log-Window> :tlx 30 :tly 10 :width 20 :height 6
:title "log" :foreground :cornsilk
:background :dark-blue))
(add-message msgwin "Press control-F1 or control-Esc to quit")