L4 currently passes all tests in John Hayes' test suite and is able to execute Sokoban and Tetris games.
Source code: http://www.common-lisp.net/~heller/l4-0.1.tar.gz
Quick assessment (2023-06-09)
- Portable Common Lisp, except for the Unix-specific use of stty.
- Implement the shell routine for more Common Lisp implementations.
- Compiles without warnings, and passes all of the included tests.
- Switch to the L4 directory in order to load the system (l4.lisp).
- Use the forth command to boot up, then test as seen below.
L4> forth loading kernel.fs... loading kernel.fs...done ok test loading test/tester.fs... loading test/tester.fs...done loading test/coretest.fs... TESTING CORE WORDS TESTING BASIC ASSUMPTIONS TESTING BOOLEANS: INVERT AND OR XOR TESTING 2* 2/ LSHIFT RSHIFT TESTING COMPARISONS: 0= = 0< < > U< MIN MAX TESTING STACK OPS: 2DROP 2DUP 2OVER 2SWAP ?DUP DEPTH DROP DUP OVER ROT SWAP TESTING >R R> R@ TESTING ADD/SUBTRACT: + - 1+ 1- ABS NEGATE TESTING MULTIPLY: S>D * M* UM* TESTING DIVIDE: FM/MOD SM/REM UM/MOD */ */MOD / /MOD MOD TESTING HERE , @ ! CELL+ CELLS C, C@ C! CHARS 2@ 2! ALIGN ALIGNED +! ALLOT TESTING CHAR [CHAR] [ ] BL S" TESTING ' ['] FIND EXECUTE IMMEDIATE COUNT LITERAL POSTPONE STATE TESTING IF ELSE THEN BEGIN WHILE REPEAT UNTIL RECURSE TESTING DO LOOP +LOOP I J UNLOOP LEAVE EXIT TESTING DEFINING WORDS: : ; CONSTANT VARIABLE CREATE DOES> >BODY TESTING EVALUATE TESTING SOURCE >IN WORD TESTING <# # #S #> HOLD SIGN BASE >NUMBER HEX DECIMAL TESTING FILL MOVE TESTING OUTPUT: . ." CR EMIT SPACE SPACES TYPE U. YOU SHOULD SEE THE STANDARD GRAPHIC CHARACTERS: !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_` abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ YOU SHOULD SEE 0-9 SEPARATED BY A SPACE: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 YOU SHOULD SEE 0-9 (WITH NO SPACES): 0123456789 YOU SHOULD SEE A-G SEPARATED BY A SPACE: A B C D E F G YOU SHOULD SEE 0-5 SEPARATED BY TWO SPACES: 0 1 2 3 4 5 YOU SHOULD SEE TWO SEPARATE LINES: LINE 1 LINE 2 TESTING DICTIONARY SEARCH RULES loading test/coretest.fs...done loading test/postpone.fs... testing postpone ( testing postpone +loop testing postpone ." you should see this first. you should see this later. testing postpone ; testing postpone abort" testing postpone begin testing postpone do testing postpone does> testing postpone else testing postpone if testing postpone literal testing postpone loop testing postpone postpone testing postpone recurse testing postpone repeat testing postpone S" testing postpone then testing postpone until testing postpone while testing postpone [ testing postpone ['] testing postpone [char] loading test/postpone.fs...done loading test/coremore.fs... loading test/coremore.fs...done loading test/deferred.fs... loading test/deferred.fs...done ok