Dr John AR Williams' utilities.

Includes the following packages:

  • :jarw.lib provides idoms such as while and when-bind as well as functions to convert between different ways of implementing mappings in common lisp.
  • :jarw.io provides io functions including printing readably CLOS classes and other LISP structures, for managing temporary files, logging operations, and io operations for reading and writing standard internet style headers on streams.
  • :jarw.string provides operations for splitting and joining lists from strings, word wrapping, string concatenation, folding strings on line breaks, the Boyer-Moore-Horspool search algorithm, algorithms for creating prefix tables and doing efficient prefix matches against that table, and conversion to and from Roman numerals
  • :jarw.parse main extensible library for converting strings (from external sources such as users or internet protocols) into internal data types (parse-input) according to type conversion specifications and, to convert internal types into strings (format-output) with the same conversion specification
  • :jarw.properties utilities for hierarchical property sets.
  • :jarw.search Search indexing API and keyword searching
  • :jarw.math some mathematical functions
  • :crypt Implementation of the unix crypt function in COmmon Lisp
  • :jarw.mop exports the MOP API

Homepage: http://www.jarw.org.uk/lisp/jarw.html

Source repository: http://www.jarw.org.uk/lisp/cl-jarw.git

License: ???