(defun foo (size &rest keys &key double &allow-other-keys) (let ((v (apply #'make-array size :allow-other-keys t keys))) (if double (concatenate (type-of v) v v) v))) (foo 4 :initial-contents '(a b c d) :double t) => #(A B C D A B C D)The call to FOO will signal an error if TYPE-OF returns a type containing the length (4). This causes a type conflict in CONCATENATE, because the new sequence length should be 8. If TYPE-OF returns a type without the length, then FOO will behave as shown above.
To get the intended effect, it could do something like one of these:
(concatenate `(vector ,(array-element-type v) *) v v) (concatenate `(vector ,(array-element-type v) ,(* 2 size)) v v)