Canvas Aided Lisp Magic, create canvas-based applications with Lisp and distribute them on Linux, macOS, Windows, and the web.

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Hello, World!

Find whatever directory, and create a file: canvas.lisp

(defparameter *color-list* '((0.83 0.82 0.84) (0.89 0.12 0.17) (0.94 0.87 0.47) (0 0.35 0.59))) (defun draw () (c:set-operator :darken) (dotimes (i 7) (c:arc (+ 72 (* (- (/ *calm-window-width* 5) 44) i)) 73 50 0 (* 2 pi)) (apply #'c:set-source-rgb (nth (if (>= i 4) (- i 4) i) *color-list*)) (c:fill-path)))

Launch your terminal, cd to that directory, and enter the command:


You will get:

For more applications made with CALM, please check this link.

The source code is released under GPL-2.0-only.

Calm down and draw something, in Lisp.