Operations provided include elementwise +, -, * and /, the same operations involving an array and a scalar, minimum, maximum and range (the last one is faster then the two of them called separately), and also general functions to implement other, similar functions, including array-reduce, array-map, etc.
It also has a macro for `vectorizing' operations:
Formerly, many functions in this package were part of FFA, but were split to eliminate the dependency on CFFI. With the fix in SBCL, we no longer need to make a special effort to make arrays "foreign friendly".
Homepage: https://github.com/Lisp-Stat/array-operations
License: Microsoft Public License
Reference: https://lisp-stat.github.io/array-operations/
See article Multidimensional arrays in The Common Lisp Cookbook for some differences between the fork and the original.
data structure