It's composed by the things I need usually: non linear equations solving, linear algebra on matrices, minimal squares methods, montecarlo method ...
I've programmed this to my own use and for fun. Please, feel free to suggest me new methods to implement. You can mail me at
CLDOC documentation:
Some examples:
(use-package :ph_random )
;; Initializes the Carlson pseudoaleatorial number generator
(carlson_init 200.)
;; Generates a U(0,1) number
(carlson )
(use-package :ph_linear_algebra)
(setq matrix (make-array '(3 3 )))
(matrix_asign_values matrix (list 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.))
(inverse matrix )
;; Solves a linear equations system
(solve_linear_equations matrix #2A( (2. ) (3. ) ( 6.) ) )
(use-package :ph_montecarlo )
;; Integrates sin^{2}(x) at [0 : PI ]
(montecarlo (lambda (x) (expt (sin x) 2)) (list 0. pi) :points 10000 )
Note: underscores are bad Common Lisp style