Some examples from the ZeroMQ page ported to CL:
;; Simple client server (defun server () "Bind to socket and wait to receive a message. After receipt, return the message \"OK\"." (zmq:with-context (ctx 1) (zmq:with-socket (socket ctx zmq:rep) (zmq:bind socket "tcp://lo:5555") (loop (let ((query (make-instance 'zmq:msg))) (zmq:recv socket query) (format t "Recieved query: '~A'~%" (zmq:msg-data-as-string query) )) (zmq:send socket (make-instance 'zmq:msg :data "OK")) )))) (defun client () "Connects to a socket and passes a message and waits to receive the \"OK\" from the server." (zmq:with-context (ctx 1) (zmq:with-socket (socket ctx zmq:req) (zmq:connect socket "tcp://localhost:5555") (zmq:send socket (make-instance 'zmq:msg :data "SELECT * FROM mytable" )) (let ((result (make-instance 'zmq:msg))) (zmq:recv socket result) (format t "Recieved string: '~A'~%" (zmq:msg-data-as-string result) ))))) ;; Publish/subscribe example (uses _(iterate) and _(packer)) (defun publisher () (zmq:with-context (ctx 1) (zmq:with-socket (socket ctx zmq:pub) (zmq:bind socket "tcp://lo:5555") (iter (for msg-id from 0) (zmq:send socket (make-instance 'zmq:msg :data (coerce (packer:pack ">L" msg-id) '(vector (unsigned-byte 8)) ))))))) (defun subscriber () (zmq:with-context (ctx 1) (zmq:with-socket (socket ctx zmq:sub) (zmq:setsockopt socket zmq:subscribe "") (zmq:connect socket "tcp://localhost:5555") (loop (let ((query (make-instance 'zmq:msg))) (zmq:recv socket query) (let ((msg-id (first (packer:unpack ">L" (zmq:msg-data-as-array query) )))) (when (= 0 (mod msg-id 10000)) (print msg-id) )))))))
Topics: Distributed messaging