Code that helps with networking. Protocols, clients, servers, etc. For web (HTTP) specific software, see the web topic. See also the distributed topic.

Dealing with email: (main topic: email)

  • Allegro Maild - Allegro Maild is an SMTP email server written in Common Lisp
  • cl-icalendar - An implementation of the iCalendar (RFC 5545) file format
  • CL-MIME - CL-MIME is a library for constructing and manipulating MIME objects in Common Lisp
  • cl-pop - CL-POP is a lisp networking library that provides a POP email client based on RFC 1939
  • CL-Sendmail - CL-Sendmail is a library for sending email using the external program 'sendmail'
  • CL-SES4 - AWS SES email sender using Signature Version 4 of Amazon's API
  • CL-SMTP - CL-SMTP is an SMTP (RFC 5321) client
  • clonsigna - Clonsigna is a Common Lisp library that allows interaction with IMAP4rev1 servers
  • CLPMR - CLPMR is the Common Lisp ProcMail Replacement
  • cocoa-mail - cocoa-mail is a basic interface for OpenMCL on Mac OS X to the Cocoa Mail infrastructure
  • de.setf.utility - de setf utility is a collection of Common Lisp utilities functions and several purpose-specific libraries
  • Demyltify - Demyltify is a library that lets you write Sendmail email filters (milters) in Common Lisp
  • esmtp-client - esmtp-client is a library for sending email via SMTP according to RFC 6409
  • imap - imap is a client library for Allegro CL for sending and receiving email with support for POP, IMAP and SMTP
  • jarw-inet - jarw-inet supports several Internet networking Standards including writing servers and clients, http, smtp, nntp protocols, header parsing, mime decoding
  • macho - Macho is an email web archiving system, similar in scope to pipermail or mhonarc
  • MARCH - MArch is a daemon program that saves email going through a mail server into a database
  • mel-base - mel-base is a library for handling email with support for Maildir, POP3, IMAP and SMTP folders
  • org-davep-newsrc - org-davep-newsrc is a Common Lisp library that provides a couple of classes for reading a Unix Usenet newsrc file
  • org-davep-nntp - org-davep-nntp is a Common Lisp library for talking to an NNTP (RFC 3977) server
  • rfc2822 - Text email as defined in RFC 2822
  • smta - smta is a simple SMTP email server
  • smtp4cl - SMTP4CL is a SMTP client library to send messages to an MTA (Mail Transport Agent)
  • trivial-email-utf-8 - trivial-email-utf-8 is like CL-SMTP's send-mail, but qprints any Unicode characters in the message title or content and includes the appropriate headers if necessary

Libraries specific to MIME: (main topic: MIME)

Dealing with URIs: (main topic: URI)

Messaging: (main topic: messaging)

Wire formats: (main topic: wire format)

IRC clients and bots: (main topic: IRC)

  • beirc - beirc is a CLIM IRC client application using the cl-irc library as a backend, initially written by Gilbert Baumann, now maintained by Dave Murray and others
  • Birch - Birch is a simple IRC client library
  • cl-irc - cl-irc is an IRC library written in Common Lisp
  • Colleen - Colleen is yet another IRC chat bot framework
  • girc - gIRC is a basic IRC client application for the terminal
  • IRC Quotes - Some moments from IRC, preserved for posterity, some humorous
  • irc-logger - irc-logger is a networking library written by Kevin Rosenberg which uses the cl-irc library to provide multichannel Internet Relay Chat (IRC) logging
  • Lisp IRC Bots - There are several IRC bots written in Lisp
  • lispcafe - #lispcafe on
  • lisppaste - lisppaste sits on a webserver and users can paste text into it
  • Maiden - Maiden is a collection of systems to help you build applications and libraries that interact with chat servers
  • minion - minion is an IRC robot (who prefers the term "electronically composed.") For online help, try /msg minion help
  • orcabot - A full-featured IRC bot in Common Lisp
  • trivial-irc - trivial-irc is a small IRC library that provides only very basic facilities for communicating with IRC servers, and has no facilities for extensions like DCC, CTCP etc
  • WeirdIRC - WeirdIRC is a simple IRC client using CLIM
  • X-Chat Common Lisp Plugin - The X-Chat Common Lisp plugin is a plugin for X-Chat version 2 and up (the famous IRC client) that allows you to use Common Lisp scripts to control X-Chat behaviour