- "guess the animal" game; simple neural net (AI)
- autoload function and snarfing autoloads from other files
- basic definitions: package and path
- base64 encoding and decoding (data format)
- Rolodex: BBDB/vCard handling
- check values and types of the elements of a list
- Common Lisp HyperSpec access
- read/write CLOS objects (serialization)
- read/write comma-separated values
- CVS diff and log parsing (version control)
- data analysis and visualization
- date/time
- dated lists
- answer questions automatically; requires metering.lisp
- Load and run Emacs-Lisp ELisp code in Common Lisp
- read/write lists etc
- Financial functions: mortgage calculations, Luhn algorithm, Black-Scholes, Solow (mathematics)
- geography, weather, etc (units)
- command line option processing - for Lisp scripting
- Gnuplot interface (plotting)
- GetQuote - stock quotes over the Internet.
- query the financial data from MFFAIS and FINVIZ
- parsing C headers (FFI)
- HTML parser via text-stream
- HTML generator
- portable inspector (2 frontends: TTY and an HTML broser)
- iterate across multidimensional arrays
- print a hardcopy
- lift (ROC) curve analysis
- list utilities
- time elapsed, messages etc
- arithmetics, permutations, statistics, geometry and more mathematics
- linear algebra operations (solving linear equations, inversion)
- print hash tables, packages, characters etc
- Munkres' Assignment Algorithm (AKA "Hungarian Algorithm")
- Naive Bayesian classifier
- Read ocaml sexp files
- interact with octave - the GNU MatLab
- fontify the prompt in an xterm
- Random Number Generator (by Raymond Toy) for various non-trivial distributions (statistics)
- RPM handling (download etc) - a better rpmwatcher
- REPL over a socket
- with-collect and some simple stuff
- operate on sorted lists (map, reduce etc)
- multidimensional statistics
- string splitting
- symbol concatenation
- comma and friends for format ~//
- XML parsing
License: GPL
Topics: utilities language extension