rotate-byte count bytespec integer => result-integer
Arguments and Values:
count---an integer.
bytespec---a byte specifier.
integer---an integer.
result-integer---an integer.
Rotates a field of bits within integer; specifically, returns an integer that contains the bits of integer rotated count times leftwards within the byte specified by bytespec, and elsewhere contains the bits of integer.
(rotate-byte 3 (byte 32 0) 3) => 24 (rotate-byte 3 (byte 5 5) 3) => 3 (rotate-byte 6 (byte 8 0) -3) => -129
Side Effects: None.
Affected By: None.
Exceptional Situations: None.
See Also:
Reference implementation:
(defun rotate-byte (count bytespec integer) (let ((size (byte-size bytespec))) (when (= size 0) (return-from rotate-byte integer)) (let ((count (mod count size))) (labels ((rotate-byte-from-0 (count size integer) (let ((bytespec (byte size 0))) (if (> count 0) (logior (ldb bytespec (ash integer count)) (ldb bytespec (ash integer (- count size)))) (logior (ldb bytespec (ash integer count)) (ldb bytespec (ash integer (+ count size)))))))) (dpb (rotate-byte-from-0 count size (ldb bytespec integer)) bytespec integer)))))
[Peter Scott] SBCL's SB-ROTATE-BYTE contrib module implements this efficiently.